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【《摩诃般若钞经》 】


relations and the question of TaiwanChang Pao-min Path analysis : its elementary form Lau-fong Higher education for whom and for whatWu Teh-Yao The relationship between traditional Chinese parental attitude andthe development of cognitive complexity and rigidityBoey Kam Weng imbalance and regional development in peninsular Liang-Huew Ch'en Tu-hsiu : in quest of Chinese liberalismChang Pao-min A cognitive approach to the study of rigidityBoey Kam Weng The meaning and implications of social commitment in highereducationWu Teh-Yao 研究中国语文重要的英文学术期刊指引王润华 闻一多的「诗经学」吴元华 Confucius' and Plato's ideas of a republicWu Teh-yao Interdisciplinarity and higher education : the situation of University, Koh-ping 郭象与向秀庄注「本体-宇宙」论之殊异苏新鋈 Is one sociology possible? Lau The Canton ' Volunteer Corps incidentKu Hung-ting 朱熹的诗经学赖炎元 Post-graduate education in Teh-yao Taiwan at the crossroadsChang Pao-min 词的用韵谢云飞 's and ' ideas of politicsWu Teh-yao annotated guide to leading English language periodicals onChina : a selective list for the students of Chinese language andliteratureWong Yoon Wah Han Tsu's and 's ideas of statecraftWu Teh-yao 史记游侠列传考校王叔岷 A sequential stochastic model for shopping linkages analysis andplanningWang Liang Huew Ethnic identity, socio-legal status and political apathy Lau-fong 祁彪佳的生平及其传记资料应裕康 Population structure and trends in : a historical surveyCheng Hwa The teaching-learning process in political science : with specialreference to international affairsWu Teh-yao 俗传二十四孝探源谢云飞 The present and future balance of power in world geopoliticsWu Teh-yao 「中外新闻七日录」研究 : 晚清期刊研究之一王慷鼎 Gambling and the industrial workers Lau approach to the study of international relationsWu Teh Yao 老舍在「小坡的生日」中对今日新加坡的预言王润华 Traditional values and modern : random thoughts on therelevance of the Eastern heritageChang Pao 李攀龙及其「古今诗删」研究杨松年 史记「项羽本纪」史学意义探讨林肇刚 Career mobility patterns of high-ranking officials in Ch'ingChina, 1730-1906Ku Hung-ting Continuity and change in ChinaWu Teh-yao 中国古代神话传说的性质与特点林徐典著 许谦实践道德之工夫龚道运著 宋人称杜诗为诗史说析评杨松年著 试释鲁迅“绝望之为虚妄正与希望相同”林万菁著 明初《剪灯二种》里的讽刺与谴责皮述民著 《中南日报》研究王慷鼎著 论北宋社会危机的形成陈荣照著 经济思想在孔子思想中的地位苏新鋈著 新加坡的语言与国民识字概况翁世华著 一 哲学社会科学类 胡适选集胡 适著吉林人民出版社 论道金岳霖著中国人民大学出版社 中国政治史周谷城著中华书局 中国近百年政治史(1840-1926年)李剑农著复旦大学出版社 中国文化史柳诒征著东方出版中心 生育制度费孝通著商务印书馆 中国文化与中国的兵雷海宗著商务印书馆 中国法律与中国社会瞿同祖著中华书局 世纪西方哲学东渐史汤一介著首都师范大学出版社 老庄新论陈鼓应著商务印书馆 通俗哲学韩树英主编中国青年出版社 
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